In constructing national stability and happiness for all subjects, His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn recognises the importance of providing quality health care for all Thais. Such aspiration has led to the initiation of mobile medical unit that travels with specialised doctors nationwide. Since the establishment in 2022, the project has provided cure for more than 10,000 local patients.
The Crown Property Bureau teamed up with the Faculty of Medicine of Mahidol University (Ramathibodi Hospital), volunteer ophthalmologists, volunteer dentists, the Crown Prince Fund student volunteers and partner organisations in organising eye surgery unit for 263 patients and dental unit for 394 patients (Total of 657 patients) as part of “Happy and Healthy Citizen” Project by the Royal Medical Team – the fourth round of 2024 from 20th – 22nd March at Buddhasothorn Hospital and Chachoengsao Provincial Central Prison, Chachoengsao Province.

On 20th March 2024, H.E. Kasem Watanachai, the Privy Counsellor, the Board Member of the Crown Property Bureau and the Chairman of the Project, presided to inspect and give support to the medical team as well as patients.

On 21st March 2024, doctors conducted cataract surgery and post-surgery check for patients.

On 22nd March 2024, the Governor of Chachoengsao Province presided to the closing ceremony of the project and offered eyeglasses for patients.